Argentina’s New Year’s customs and the biggest features are highlights

1 thought on “Argentina’s New Year’s customs and the biggest features are highlights”

  1. Consultation record · Answer on 2021-12-28nArgentina’s New Year’s customs and the biggest features are the highlights of Argentina. When the New Year, there was a very elegant and beautiful event. They thought that water was a holiness in the new year. The “New Year’s Bath” of the Bank of China, washed away all the filth on his body. Before entering the water, first sprinkle a basket of petals on the water, then jump into the “flower water” to bathe, and rub the whole body with bright petals to seek happiness and auspiciousness. Argentine New Year is suitable for topics: football and other sports, cooking skills, family furnishings, and so on. Also, when visiting the Argentine, you can give some small gifts. But it is inappropriate to send chrysanthemum, handkerchief, tie, shirt, etc.

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